
  • 影片将通过展现海地女孩Clairvius Narcisse的个人命运,来探讨民族与幻想的边界。Narcisse是伏都教法术的牺牲品…
  • 路易斯·塞洛克斯调查了美国3个不同城市的现状,这些城市都受到了处方药对市民的催化鼓励的负面影响。这些城市的…
  •  yle="line-height: 22px;">A comedy centered around three people who each have a lookalike of a lookal…
  • 40:马太福音、马可福音和路加福音中都详细记载了基督的试探。根据这些经文,耶稣在施洗约翰的洗礼后,在犹太沙漠…
  • U.S Postal Inspectors are called in when a  suburban couple are killed by a mail bomb. Suspicion imme…
  • Born in the generational Los Angeles street culture a 19-year-old father seeks a better life in the midst …
  • 有一天,沃特曼教授给他的学生大卫打电话,他们约好在教授的山居小屋见面,杰克的朋友吉姆还有吉姆的女友维奇,另…
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