
  • Once upon a time in post-war Rome: 13-year old Aurora, a gifted pianist, is the daughter of Valerio, a bri…
  • 影片《甲壳虫》兼具魔幻与写实的风格,故事发生在20世纪20年代的巴西,主人公是一位非裔苦工,他不仅自创“卡波耶…
  •  When the air-conditioners mysteriously start to fall in city of Luanda, Matace…
  • 迷人完美、娇生惯养的Sofia是朋友中的社交女王,可惜她的女王地位正岌岌可危。那是1982年,墨西哥正面临经济危机…
  • DomtellsthestoryofPedro,ahandsomeboyfromRiodeJaneiro’求爱iddleclasswhoisintroduce…
  • An epidemic outbreak of a new rabies virus in Venezuela and a father trying to save his son from contagion…
  • “ILDIVO”的意思为“明星”、“有着圣洁声音的男高音”,这原是一个令人尊敬的称号,来自于神圣的凯撒大帝,后来…
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